This was our first project. It was a research project that reintroduced us to HTML and CSS. ChatGPT

Technology Page Rollovers
In this project, we researched about a technology, and we worked with JavaScript to use rollovers. Technology Page Rollovers

Buisness Card
This project allowed us to practice concatination and formating by creating our own buisness cards on a website. Buisness Card

In this project, we made a collage of pictures that describe us. This helped us learn Absolute Positioning. Collage

Skate Shop
In this project, we each made our own stores that sold different iteams. We used calculations and input to output a reciept. Shate Shop

We used random number variables to simulate a dice roll and calculate the probability. Dice

Skate Shop Upgrade
We upgraded the our previous project, Skate Shop, to include radio buttons and discounts. Skate Shop Upgrade

Craps Game
We built off of our dice roller to simulate the casino game, Craps. Craps Game

Circle Bounce
This was our first project using drawing and canvasing. We made two circles bounce around a canvas and off of each other. Circle Bounce

Space Invader
In this project, we simulated the famous game Space Invaders. We had a ship and an emeny that we could shoot. Space Invader

Tank Project
This project was similar to space invaders, but we added movement in all four directions. We created a target that would move around randomly to get points. Space Invader

Circle Bounce Upgrade
Circle Bounce Upgrade was the first project this year using arrays, which allowed us to put many more circles instead of just 2.Circle Bounce Upgrade

Sub Program
In this projexct, we made a submarine that protected a small fish from an array of bigger fish, which helped us with working with arrays and collisions. Sub Program

Number Array
This project helped us refine our ability to work with an array, particularly large arrays. Number Array

Circle Art
Circle Art had us create an animation of circles within the draw canvas tool. Circle Art

Checker Board
In this project, we had to make a user-adjustable checkerboard that would resize. Checker Board

Photon Shooter
Photon Shooter was a game where you could shoot photons at incoming circles.Photon Shooter

String Program
This project had us manipulate a user inputed string of words.String Program

Number Array Upgrade
Number Array Upgrade had us upgrade a previous project, Number Array, and alter it to make it with even larger numbers.Number Array Upgrade

Hornet Game
This project was a simulation, where you could spawn in hornets that attack each other and follow food.Hornet Game

Template Research Project
We found and used templates to display our research project on AP Computer Science Principles material.Template

Wizard Game
My Final Project for this year was a wizard themed platformer. I encorporated animation and gravity that make the game unique and advanced. Wizard Game