Computer Science 1

Hello! This is my GITA 1 / Computer Science 1 webpage.
I am learning C# this year.
This page demos all of my C# projects. You can download them and see them run.

The Goodbye Project


In this program we learned how to change text with a click of a button.

About Page


In this project, we implemented everything we learned in Goodbye and made an about page about our "company". This was very fun and gave us lots of freedom to customize and upgrade our about pages.

Mailing Label


In this project, we took user input to create an address with proper formatting.

Mad libs


We used our previous knowledge from Mailing Label to create a story using textboxes. This project was one of my favorites because it had a lot of freedom to create some really funny stories.

Car Rental


This was our first big project with multiple components. Car Rental used textboxes, labels, buttons, and lots and lots of math. This project was filled with many new terms and was very challenging.



BMI was a very challenging project. Using the height and weight of a person, we had to calculate the average BMI (Body Mass Index) of multiple people. This was tough because along with calculating the BMI, you had to keep track of the total people.

Car Rental Upgrade


Car Rental Upgrade was everything we did in the previous Car Rental project, but adding in other stuff that we learned after. This was the first time we used radio buttons.

Test Score


Test Score was all about taking two grades and averaging it out. Along with that, we had to identify the higer score out of the two and use images to show the grades.

Dice Game


Dice game introduced us to something new, random number generators. Using it, we randomized dice rolls and kept the percentage of times a specific number was rolled.

Craps Dice Game


Craps had much more moving parts than any ofther project we ever worked on. Using the random number generator, we rolled two dice and added up for the sum. You win if you roll a seven on the first roll, or roll whatever number you rolled first. This project was challenging, but very rewarding.

Triangle Checker


Triangle Checker was about using three sides of a triangle to identify what type of triangle it is. We also had to identify the angle of the triangle.

Slot Machine


Slot machine used the random number generator. It used it to randomize three slots. We also added currency and everytime we lost, it added our bet to the jackpot.

Stair Walker


Stair Case used random number generators to move the character either one up or one down.

Taco Truck


Taco Truck was our benchmark of the semester. It made us add of the currency of tacos and create multiple orders. This by far was the most challenging.

Rock Paper Scissors


Rock-Paper-Scissors [Lizard-Spock] was a fun game that we made. Using radio buttons, pictures, and labels, we created a working rock-paper-scissors game.

2D Sub


This game helped us learn how to use arrays by having us move a submarine in an array.

Tic Tac Toe


We recreated the famous game Tic Tac Toe to teach us out compound if statements.

Basic AI


This was our first project creating AI and having character movement.

Star Field


In this project, we learned how to code movement within an array, which would help us in Basic AI Upgrade.

Basic AI Upgrade


Using what we learned from Star Field, we were able to upgrade Basic AI with more enemies.

Number Array


From this project, learned how to create arrays that can grow and shrink